Stable Quality Cordierite-Based Diesel Particulate Filter

Product Description

Cordierite-based Diesel Particulate Filter
The particulate of emission is captured inside thin gas hole or entrance. As it lasts, the cumulated
layer become thick, and pressure loss increase. To ensure the performance of engine, when
pressure loss reaches some value, it is a must to recycle the filter. The recycle is making the
particulate burning, by raising the gas temperature of filter.

The particulate condition is related to the oxygen concentration. Normally, it is burning at
550-650 .Its adopted to raise emission temperature by adjusting throttle, and increase gas temperature
with burner. The particulate burning temperature can be decreased by catalyzed, making cumulative
particulate burning as soon as possible, thus recover the pressure loss and fitters performance, then
the filter is recycled.

Product Inquire

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