Honeycomb Ceramic Substrate Catalyst Used in Gasoline Engine

Product Description

Hot Car Exhaust Honeycomb Ceramic Catalyst Carrier
Ceramic substrate 20/40 process bauxite with high content finely and make it into small and round grains with different grain diameters like 0.45mm-0.90mm, 0.09mm-0.224mm with chemical agents and transformation agents. Finally fire them under high temperature. In this way, high strength fracturing propping agent is finished. It has high strength, low breaking rate, good sphericity, etc. Under closing pressure. It is the best product for stratum fracturing transformation of oil and gas field at present.

Ceramic Substrate Usage
It is mainly used for supporting fissure of stratum fracturing transformation of deep oil and gas field.
Enhance permeability of stratum Circulate oil gas.
Increase output of oil gas.

*oneycomb Ceramic Substrate Of Catalytic Converter
*Stable/Good Quality and Best Price
No Index Unit Value
1 Gross Density g/cm3 2.3-2.6
2 Average Linear Expansion(20-1000celsius degree) 10-6/k-1 6-7.6
3 Specific Heat Capacity KJ/Kg 900-1200
4 Heat Conductivity W/MK 1.8-3
5 Soft Temp. celsius degree 1400
6 Maximum Application Temp. celsius degree 1350
7 Corrosion Resistance Against Acid celsius degree 99.5
Dimension Quantity
Void section (%) Packaging density
(kg/ m3)
Weight per piece (kg)
150×150×300 25×25 1.0 4.96 580 68 696 4.7
150×150×300 32×32 1.0 3.66 695 61 755 5.1
150×150×300 40×40 0.7 3.03 891 65 814 5.5
150×150×300 43×43 0.7 2.77 940 63 858 5.8
150×150×300 50×50 0.6 2.39 1090 63 903 6.1

Product Inquire

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